Car insurance is probably one of those expenses in your household budget that takes up a lot of dollars! We have written car insurance policies that cost more than the monthly payment of the car itself. How can you make sure you get the best deal on car insurance? Here are a few tips that might help:
1. Use an independent agent instead of a captive agent. Independent agents like Darr Schackow insurance will represent multiple insurance carriers vs. a captive agent like State Farm or Allstate, will only represent one carrier.
2. If you drive conservatively, sign up for the Telemetrics plan that most companies have available. We have seen people save 30% on their premiums based on their driving results from Telemetrics like Snapshot from Progressive insurance and Smartride from Nationwide insurance.
3. BUNDLE BUNDLE BUNDLE! If your home insurance is with a carrier that offers auto insurance, make sure you get a quote from that carrier. You can see an additional 10% discount when you bundle your home and auto together.
I hope this gives you an idea on how to save money on your car insurance. We at Darr Schackow insurance would love to be your independent agent!
Posted Sunday, July 14 2019 7:04 AM
Tags : Auto Insurance, Insurance Advice
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