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Patel and Patel Accounting

(352) 301-7989

About Patel & Patel Accounting

How much money will I need to save for my child’s education? When should I refinance my mortgage? How do I plan for retirement? Should I invest in my 401(K)? Can I rely on Social Security? As accounting professionals, these are some of the common concerns that are posed to us on a daily basis. At Patel & Patel Accounting, we know that planning for the financial future can be confusing and overwhelming. Our mission is to provide you with the information you need to help you make informed decisions about your financial situation. We use the most up-to-date financial calculators and computer technology to ensure that we are providing you with accurate financial advice in a timely and efficient manner. However, we do not see these tools as a substitute for professional financial advice. No matter what your financial situation may be, we provide our clients with the personal attention they need and deserve.

Contact Patel and Patel Accounting

To contact Patel and Patel Accounting you fill out the form below and click the Submit button. Patel and Patel Accounting will be notified of your interest and will be contacting you shortly. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us directly.

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